Gold Index: 1742
Fars Credit Card Co. [The Islamic Republic of Iran]
Business Type:Manufacturer City: Shiraz Province/State: Fars Country/Region: The Islamic Republic of Iran
For connecting buss bar to a connex, etc.
Electrical/Insulation Tape
Grounding Kit
For 8GHz waveguide cable
Buss Bar
Up to 6 ground kits can be connected to one bus bar and with an earth cable lightening will be driven to the earth.
Water proof without using of insulation kit
**plastic electric tape
Quick View of Ladder & Structure
For connecting ladders
Ladder Corner Adaptor
Structure Coupling
For ledder usages
Ladder Coupling
For ladder usages
For 3 & 2 sides structure
Straight Pipe Coupler
For connecting two pipes in a straight path
Ladder Arm
For connecting ladder at the corners
U Adaptor
For connecting aluminium
Aluminium tube
Material: Aluminioum
Z Linkage
For connecting structures